
Harvest Festival celebrated

Harvest Festival celebrated

March 10, 2022 | 09:57 PM
Our Kitchen Garden Doha members with a harvest.
Our Kitchen Garden Doha, an organisation supporting organic farming in Qatar, celebrated Harvest Festival Season- 8 recently. The festival started with the theme song of 'Kitchen Garden' and was inaugurated virtually by southern Indian state Kerala's Agriculture Minister P Prasad. Kerala Karshakashree 2022 Bhuvaneswari Amma was the special guest.
Our Kitchen Garden Doha general secretary Jiji Aravind, welcomed the gathering. Founder member Ambhara Pavithran announced the 'Karshakaratna' Award for Bhuvaneswari Amma. She received the award from Dr Sudhodhanan.The winners of the first ever Young Farmer Award for school children in Qatar were announced at the event.Dr Suddhodhanan and Agri Qatar marketing manager Mohamed Shafiq spoke. Executive member Madhavikutty proposed a vote of thanks. Managing committee members Benny Thomas, Siros Raveendran, Anil, Ramla Samad, Suraj, Jawahar, Yasser and Razia led the function.
March 10, 2022 | 09:57 PM