
Qatar reviews policies related to women's advancement

Qatar reviews policies related to women's advancement

March 17, 2022 | 09:04 PM
HE the Minister of Social Development and Family Maryam bint Ali bin Nasser al-Misnad
Qatar reviewed its programs and policies related to the advancement of women in various fields, in addition to enhancing its role in achieving climate goals. This came in a statement made by HE the Minister of Social Development and Family Maryam bint Ali bin Nasser al-Misnad in the general debate of the 66th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, which was held on Wednesday at the UN headquarters in New York.HE al-Misnad said that the vision of Qatar reflected a special interest for women's development, through economic and political participation, in order to achieve the commitments of the State to advance her, in the context of policies related to climate change and disaster risk reduction. She explained that Qatar is proud of the results it has achieved in this regard. She added the rate of economically productive age groups among women in 2021 reached about 57%, and the rate of university women was 70% of the graduates of various colleges, and they represented 58.3% in the local labour market in its various vital sectors, in addition to achieving 15% of entrepreneurs, with an investment of $25bn.She indicated that Qatar responded quickly to the challenges faced by women due to the coronavirus pandemic by reducing working hours per week in half, without affecting the usual financial earnings of employees, which ensures that women achieve a balance between the family and private work projects that provide additional sources of income on the one hand and basic business requirements on the other.On the promotion of women's participation in political life, the minister pointed to the high rate of women's representation in the cabinet, from one to three female ministers, leading important ministries, namely education, social development and health. Regarding climate change and the relevant efforts of Qatar, the minister pointed out that the establishment of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in Qatar would implement comprehensive and integrated policies and programs that support human rights, build resilience, and promote green and blue renewable economies and fair transitions.In a related context, HE al-Misnad affirmed Qatar's international commitments with regard to the issue of climate change. She said that Doha was one of the stations that contributed to reaching the Paris Agreement in 2015, and therefore Qatar continues to emphasise the importance of implementing the Glasgow Program with regard to increasing women's full and useful participation in order to achieve the desired climate goals.
March 17, 2022 | 09:04 PM