
Women achievers honoured

Women achievers honoured

March 18, 2022 | 05:17 PM
Fun-Day Club celebrated Women's Day 2022 recently. MES Indian School principal Hameeda Khader, Sheela Tomy, Dr Seethalakshi Prakash, Simi Paul, Zareena Ahad and Manju Manoj were honoured for their excellent achievement and services rendered to the society.
Fun-Day Club celebrated Women's Day 2022 recently. MES Indian School principal Hameeda Khader, Sheela Tomy, Dr Seethalakshi Prakash, Simi Paul, Zareena Ahad and Manju Manoj were honoured for their excellent achievement and services rendered to the society. Indian Cultural Centre president P N Baburajan, vice-president Subramanya Hebbagelu and Kerala Business Forum president Shanavas Bava were the chief guests.    
March 18, 2022 | 05:17 PM