‘Miles Away from Home’, a teenage science fiction, written by Indian student Aditya Jain, was recently released at a virtual function.
A grade X student of DPS-Modern Indian School, Aditya is the son of Girish and Nisha Jain.
The 188-page work is the maiden attempt by the budding writer. The book takes readers to the year 2121, a black year to be remembered as the 'The Great War, when aliens attacked earth and heavy fighting wiped out most of Asia, central Europe, Africa and America by nuclear radiation. Planet earth defeats the aliens, but most countries struggle for many years to cope with the trauma of war. This forces the remaining world to unite by removing borders around countries and creating a single country called 'Amerope'.
The book releasing event was attended by more than 100 persons including dignitaries from various walks of life. Major highlights of the book were presented by expert panelists at the event. DPS-MIS principal Asna Nafees, Loyola International School principal Pramod Kumar, Indian Cultural Centre president P N Baburajan, and prominent community members Nilangshu Dey and Rajeswar Sundaresan were among the attendees.