
TNG School hosts awards night

TNG School hosts awards night

April 08, 2022 | 06:15 PM
The Next Generation (TNG) School hosted an awards night to celebrate teachers and support staff for their collective resilience and grit in the face of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Next Generation (TNG) School hosted an awards night to celebrate teachers and support staff for their collective resilience and grit in the face of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Their hard work made it possible for students to succeed in their Cambridge Primary Checkpoint, Cambridge IGCSE examinations and excel in internal and external extra-curricular activities despite the difficult learning environment.
Addressing the team members, principal Ailia Rizvi, said: “Every day, as I see teams across campuses who have experienced tremendous change, working with quiet determination; incorporating educational interventions; constantly measuring the impact of the processes we have introduced in the last two years to further improve teaching and learning practices, I am convinced that this pandemic did not just bring its set of challenges, but at TNG we used these challenges as opportunities to reflect and grow strong, very strong!”The TNG community has had a lot to celebrate in the last year from excellent IGCSE results and a highly productive and adaptive hybrid learning system, to numerous accolades collected by the student body — ranging from regional and national level awards to special recognitions for events such as MUN’s and international competitions.

Appreciating these wins, CEO Shagufta Bakali, CEO TNG said in her opening statement: “In March 2020, when Covid-19 first hit and the schools were shut down, I remember the uncertainty that was felt by teachers, students and parents. As we struggled to find our footing, I was in awe when I saw how our teachers helped the students navigate the challenging times. This ceremony is all about celebrating the hard work and commitment of our TNG team members. It is only because of them that even during the pandemic we witnessed great achievements.”For their support to the school, the headmistresses of each campus reflected on their team’s effort and team members were presented with the Excellence Award for Outstanding Support During Covid-19 and a Loyalty Award for their long service.For their support to the students, team members were presented with the Excellence Award for Outstanding Academic Results and Excellence Award for Outstanding Extracurricular Activities. Leadership and Campus Recognition Awards were presented to the seven campuses for their courage and commitment through the pandemic. Management Awards and Support Staff Awards were also presented to team members who played a crucial role in ensuring the adaptability and effectiveness of learning interventions during the pandemic.|TNG director Riyaz Ahmed Bakali, in his address discussed the school’s progress and the way forward. He shared: “At TNG, we empower our team to ensure that quality education is imparted in a structured way and conducting professional development sessions is one of the strategies to achieve that. At TNG, we ensure that our team members remain motivated to impart quality education in the classrooms by appreciating and awarding them and this evening is a step forward in that direction.”The school’s PTA members were also in attendance and spoke at the event of the strong partnerships that evolved between the school and parent body during the pandemic.
April 08, 2022 | 06:15 PM