Students of MES Indian School attended a three-day Model UN Conference, organised by Georgetown University in Qatar, recently. 
Mariyam Sirajuddin (UNHRC), Dana Ashraf Aripettamannil (DISEC), Junayd (SPECPOL), Parvathy Sambath (UNDP), Angela Biju (UNDP), Sarah Shoaib Chowdhury (Arab League), Ibtisam Haseeb (CSW), Sidharth Panicker (ICJ), Emil John George (UNSC) and Tarun S Pangal (UNSC) were the student delegates who debated on various global issues in various committees.
Regulating the trade and use of small arms, femicide and gender-based violence, relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem, combating corruption in developing countries, sustainable tourism in space, fourth-generation warfare, safety of journalists in conflict zones, and addressing the issues of statelessness of refugees and migrants were some of the issues of the Georgetown Model UN (GMUN).
Emil John George of MES Indian School received the Best Honourable Mention award in the Security Council committee of GMUN for his performance.
MUN adviser Manmmadhan Mambally co-ordinated the participation of MES in the programme, while Asha Nair chaperoned the participants. The school principal, Hameeda Kadar, appreciated the students and remarked on the need for such leadership activities along with academic endeavours.
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