
Ministry to conduct survey on ecological effects of camping

Ministry to conduct survey on ecological effects of camping

April 18, 2022 | 11:23 PM
Officials at the press conference on Monday. PICTURE: Thajudheen
*Deadline to remove winter camps is May 14
The 2021/2022 winter camping season will conclude on May 2 while the deadline to remove the camps is May 14, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) has announced. Addressing a press conference at the ministry’s headquarters on Monday, MoECC officials said the May 14 deadline was set in order to provide campers with the opportunity to continue camping during the Eid al-Fitr holidays.Also, for the first time and in order to achieve community participation, the ministry will issue a questionnaire to ascertain campers' opinions about the camping season and also conduct a study in co-operation with Qatar University on the social and environmental effects of camping.The press conference was attended by Farhoud Hadi al-Hajri, director of Public Relations, and Salem Hussein al-Safran, assistant director of the Department of Natural Reserves and vice-chairman of the Winter Camping Organising Committee. The MoECC praised the co-operation of camp owners during the camping season, which lasted for six months. It also noted the co-operation of various ministries and institutions in the country with regard to the procedures and requirements for maintaining security, safety and public health at all camps, which contributed to the success of the season.Al-Safran said about 395 tonnes of waste have been removed from 1,626 camps since the start of the camping season in November 2021, with 305 containers provided for this purpose. This has been done in co-operation with the Ministry of Municipality, represented by the General Cleanliness Department. He called on all campers to dismantle and remove all camps by the deadline and cautioned that specialised environmental teams would carry out inspections and follow-up operations after this date and take legal action in case of any violations. Al-Hajri said a preliminary study will be conducted by the ministry, in co-operation with QU, on the impact and evaluation of camps during the camping season on the environment from the social and environmental perspectives. “The study will address the negative effects on the environment, arising from the camping season. while assessing the impact on meadows, plants and wild animals, coasts and beaches. Also, it will analyse the impact of camp waste and sewage on the environment during the camping season, migration of birds, impact of camp waste and sanitation on the environment during the camping season and the impact of winter camping on the movement and reproduction of living creatures, especially non-compliance with environmental requirements in this regard,” he explained.The MoECC, within the framework of its keenness to develop and modernise the winter camping season in coming years, will issue a questionnaire on its website in order to ascertain campers' opinion about the 2022 camping season. It is to be filled out before the process of refunding the security deposit. The survey will be conducted in order for the ministry to achieve its vision and mission, he said, adding that the results will be announced later.The official stressed that conducting the study aims to involve citizens in choosing what suits them regarding the winter camping season, adding that the ministry believes in the importance of popular participation and achieving the principle of transparency in all matters related to camping. The survey will seek suggestions from campers on how to reduce the effects of negative practices during a camping season, as well as on suitable periods and areas for camping.
April 18, 2022 | 11:23 PM