*Qatar first country in the region to allow workers change jobs without consent of employer
The annual report of the European Union (EU) "Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2021" praised the labour law reforms in Qatar, such as the abolition of the sponsorship system and the implementation of the minimum wages, noting that they are positive steps and that the year 2021 witnessed strong labour reforms in the Gulf country.
"These new reforms made Qatar the first country in the region that allows all workers to change jobs before their contracts expire without the consent of the employer," the EU report said.
The report valued the relationship of the National Human Rights Committee and its regular interaction with the institutions of the European Parliament, and Qatar's invitation to the European Union agency (EUSR) to visit the country.
The EU report highlighted the implementation of the new minimum wage for all workers last year.
According to the EU report, Qatar is the second country in the Gulf region to set a minimum wage for migrant workers, indicating that these changes also apply to workers who are not subject to labour law, such as domestic workers.
The Government of Qatar has set the minimum wage for workers in all sectors in the country, including domestic workers, at QR 1,000 per month as basic, as well as QR 500 per month (to be provided by the employer) for accommodation and QR 300 per month for food, unless the employer already provides adequate food and accommodation to the employee.
The measures adopted by Qatar with regard to reforms related to workers' rights are a real indication that Qatar is taking firm strides towards preserving these rights, in line with its international, regional and national commitments, and in the context of improving the living conditions of workers in the Gulf country. These reforms reinforce the basic human rights principles and work to reduce violations of workers' rights. (QNA)
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