Division G of District 116, Qatar, of Toastmasters International organised a grand celebration event - 'SynerG Star Nite' - to felicitate the stars of the Division G Toastmasters annual conference and the club leaders of Division G.
The event was held at Vibrant Trainings Academy, Nuaija, Doha.
The event started with a meet and greet of Toastmasters. The first in-person event of the division had a number of individuals assembled to collect the rewards they earned in the series of division and area-level contests conducted between January and March.
Opening the celebration, Division G director Alar Mel Mangai thanked and appreciated the efforts of the club leaders for the successful conduct of the contests and making Division G a President Distinguished Division.
Earlier, the division conducted its annual conference – 'SynerG 2022' - in March via the Zoom online platform. The two-day conference had a series of Toastmasters speech contests in four different categories: Humorous, Evaluation, Table Topics and International.
The online event had 100-plus attendees on both days.
The champion speakers who had earlier won at the club and area levels competed for the division championship.
The first-place winners will represent the division at the district-level conference to be conducted on May 13 and 14 at the Torch Doha.
The winners who will represent Division G in the grand finale are Toastmasters Jacintha Mani, Malathy Sudararaj, Mou Bera and Rinku Saha in the Evaluation, Humorous, Table Topics and International speech contests, respectively.
District director Manzoor Moideen, club growth director Ravishankar J, past district director Thayalan K and Beena Manzoor felicitated all the winners and addressed the gathering.
Attendees included the division's ExCom leaders - Rinku Saha, Salman Hilmi, Area 26 director Shameer P H, Area 28 director Deepti Potnis, Admin manager/'SynerG 2022' chair Bindu Pillai, TLI chair Nalini Mathur, awards chair Ritu Maheswari, IT head Felipe Catinoy and many of the club presidents and leaders.
The fun-filled event lasted for two hours amid cheers and applause for the winners.
Earlier, Division G director Alar Mel Mangai, who was instrumental in organising the event, inaugurated the meeting officially and welcomed the audience.
Conference chair Bindu Pillai and her 'SynerG' team comprising Toastmasters Shameer P H, Salman, Nazik, Filpe Catinoy, Muthalib, Shameena, Michelle, Ritu, Rihan, Fawzan, Yuconne, Mohd Azeez, Shyam, Swapna and many others contributed to the smooth conduct of the event.
The event concluded after the winners announcement with the thanking note by Alar Mel Mangai.
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