
SIF selects new office-bearers

SIF selects new office-bearers

May 05, 2022 | 08:13 PM
The new office bearers of SIF
Science India Forum-Qatar, an associate organisation of the Indian Cultural Centre, functioning under the aegis of the Indian embassy, held its annual general meeting and unanimously selected new office-bearers for 2022-24. They are: president - Ravikumar Narayanan, vice president- Anjana Krishna Menon, secretary- Srinivas Oruganti and treasurer - Nidheesh Pachat along with the executive committee team. SIF-Q works closely with Indian educational institutions in Qatar and science and research organisations in India and helps students develop a passion for science and technology. It also educates youngsters on the rich contributions made by Indian scientists. More information is available on
May 05, 2022 | 08:13 PM