
Musical Dialogues forum held

Musical Dialogues forum held

June 03, 2022 | 08:57 PM
It is expected that the 'Musical Dialogues' project will expand to include various musical performances on other Arab or oriental instruments, discussions, research projects, workshops, and presentations.
The Department of Arab Music at Qatar Music Academy, a member of Qatar Foundation (QF), organised the inaugural performance of the 'Musical Dialogues' event, featuring many amateur and professional qanun and flute players in the country, local Arabic daily Arrayah reported.
It is expected that the 'Musical Dialogues' project will expand to include various musical performances on other Arab or oriental instruments, discussions, research projects, workshops, and presentations. Qatar Music Academy aims to develop the region's promising young talents to be the next generation of world-class musicians by providing a comprehensive music education programme that draws on practice and music theory while incorporating Arab and Western classical music curricula.    
June 03, 2022 | 08:57 PM