Indian expatriate forum Incas Qatar's Kottayam District Committee organised a remembrance meeting on the 16th death anniversary of its founder leader and social activist K C Varghese.

Several expatriates from various walks of life and social activists took part. Soney Sebastian presided over the meeting and Incas Central Committee president Sameer Eramala inaugurated the function. In his keynote address, John Gilbert recalled the activities of Varghese in Qatar for over three decades. He highlighted that Varghese was instrumental in the formation of the community apex bodies in Qatar, along with his contribution to the community as a president of Indian Cultural Centre as well as an office-bearer of the Indian Community Benevolent Forum.
Sreeraj, Ashraf Vadakara, George, Saleem, Srijith, Madhu, George Augustin, Jobby and Jomon spoke on the occasion. Naveen Pallam welcomed the gathering and Leo proposed a vote of thanks.
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