
Qatar, China for development from east and west of Asia

Qatar, China for development from east and west of Asia

June 29, 2022 | 12:39 AM
Zhou Jian/ Ambassador of China ?

Qatar and China have delivered a common call of solidarity and development from the east and west of Asia, demonstrating the global vision and aspiration of the leaders of the two countries, Chinese ambassador to Qatar Zhou Jian has said.In a statement, the Chinese envoy spoke on the Qatar Economic Forum (QEF), Powered by Bloomberg, the Brics Summit, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and other issues.QEF 2022 was held in Doha from June 20-22 under the theme ‘Equalising the Global Recovery’. It draw a large number of speakers and global attendees.Meanwhile, China last week hosted the 14th Brics Summit, where the Chinese president joined the leaders of Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa via video link to discuss issues of mutual concern. The Chinese president chaired the summit and the High-Level Dialogue on Global Development.Referring to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani’s speech at the opening of QEF, the ambassador shed light on the common views of His Highness the Amir and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the world economy and global development.“While China is hosting Brics meetings, Qatar has successfully held the second Qatar Economic Forum. China and Qatar have delivered the common call of solidarity and development from the east and west of Asia, demonstrating the global vision and aspiration of the two heads of states and charting the course for mankind against difficulties to create a bright future. It provides firm confidence to the steady recovery of the world economy. I have listened carefully to the important speeches of our two heads of states, and was deeply impressed by the high degree of consensus between President Xi Jinping and His Highness the Amir on the evaluation of the world economy, as well as on how to boost the global economy and achieve common development,” he said.“We both stress equity, justice and equitable development. President Xi Jinping pointed out that we should speak out for equity and justice, encourage the international community to practice true multilateralism, uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations (UN), safeguard the international system with the UN at its core, uphold the international order underpinned by international law, put development front and centre on the international agenda, deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and reject the small circles built around hegemony by forming one big family belonging to a community with a shared future for humanity. His Highness stressed in his speech that our success in overcoming these challenges remains dependent on the ability of all our countries to adhere to a set of principles, foremost among which is the consolidation of justice, equality and solidarity and the rejection of double standards,” the envoy continued.“We both call for solidarity and co-operation to achieve common development,” he stressed. “President Xi said tiding over difficulties together and pursuing co-operation is the only way for us to forestall an economic crisis. Only when people all over the world live better lives can prosperity be sustained, security safeguarded and human rights solidly grounded. We should build political consensus to ensure everyone values development and all countries pursue co-operation together to forge a united, equal, balanced and inclusive global development partnership. In this process, no country or individual should be left behind. “His Highness said there are issues that have no economic solution, these include the war and its devastating consequences on many countries and peoples. The solution, in this case, can only be politically oriented. The issue of extreme poverty cannot be left to the poor countries to face alone. The international community must adopt an approach that could translate words and goodwill into practical steps that could achieve equality in economic recovery among countries and salvage the sustainable development goals in a way that could support the poor peoples and those suffering from turmoil and wars.“We are both committed to openness, inclusiveness and innovation-driven development. President Xi Jinping said economic globalisation is a response to development of productivity and, as such, represents an unstoppable historical trend. It is important that we promote scientific, technological and institutional innovation, speed up technology transfer and knowledge sharing, boost the development of modern industries, close the digital divide and accelerate low-carbon transition, with a view to achieving stronger, greener and healthier global development. His Highness pointed out that supporting the economy, investment and innovation in parallel with consolidating shared human values and peacekeeping is the way to build the necessary capacities in order to transcend crises and overcome challenges facing humanity as a whole, such as the threat of epidemics and climate change.”On the kind of co-operation China and Qatar could carry out with regard to promoting the development and prosperity of developing countries, the ambassador said: “China highly appreciates Qatar’s support for the Global Development Initiative as an important member of the Group of Friends of the GDI. In the next stage, China is looking forward to working with Qatar to expedite the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Global Development Initiative, strengthen the connection between Belt and Road Initiative and Qatar National Vision 2030, achieve the common development and prosperity of developing countries, and jointly build a global development community.“China and Qatar should be promoters of open development. Both China and Qatar are important players in independently exploring development paths and opposing external interferences. We should uphold the WTO-centred multilateral trading system, remove barriers to trade, investment and technology, and keep the global economy open. We should stay committed to openness and inclusiveness, eliminate all barriers to the development of productivity and steer globalisation in the right direction.”“Both as developing countries, our two countries are following the path of development with inclusiveness and shared benefits,” he continued. “We should promote extensive consultation and joint contribution to deliver shared benefits, enhance global economic governance and increase the representation and say of emerging markets and developing countries. This will ensure that all countries enjoy equal rights, follow the rules as equals, and share equal opportunities. We should abandon decoupling, cut-off of supply, unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure, and create a favourable development environment for the vast number of developing countries.”The two countries should be leaders in green development, he stressed. “We’ve noticed that Qatar’s North Field Expansion project is advancing rapidly. This will provide strong impetus to the stability of the global energy market and contributing to the global low-carbon transition. China highly appreciates Qatar’s effort and stands ready to deepen bilateral energy co-operation to provide a solid guarantee for meeting the commitment to emission reduction. China is ready to work with Qatar to strengthen co-operation on digital economy, clean energy and low-carbon technology, promote scientific, technological and institutional innovation, forge a closer partnership for green development, actively respond to climate change, improve global environmental governance and jointly build a community of life for man and nature.Regarding Qatar’s preparations for the FIFA World Cup and how the two countries could co-operate, he said: “I am very glad to see that Qatar’s fruitful progress in respect of infrastructure, transport, security, pandemic control, hospitality as well as publicity and promotion works. We have every reason to expect the Qatar will undoubtedly deliver an even more impressive experience to hundreds of millions of spectators around the globe.”He explained, “As for China, we will fully support Qatar in hosting this grand tournament. First, we will promote our cultural exchanges. With the personal support of our two heads of states and the joint efforts of both sides, a pair of lovely Chinese giant pandas will arrive in Qatar before the World Cup. This will bring China’s element into the event and serve as a new symbol of China-Qatar friendship. At present, preparation works are making fast progress. Second, we will improve consular services. It is expected that a large number of Chinese fans will come for the tournament and celebrate this major event together with Qatari friends. We will have close co-ordination with the Qatari side and offer consular services to citizens overseas. Third, we will deepen business co-operation. Currently, four Chinese enterprises, namely Wanda, Hisense, MengNiu and Vivo, have been chosen as sponsors or partners of the World Cup. China Central Television Network will set up its exclusive live channel at the International Broadcasting Centre in Doha, offering programmes using 5G, 4K/8K, AI, Big Data and other new technologies to bring the best experience for fans around the world.”

June 29, 2022 | 12:39 AM