Qatar participated in the Transforming Education Pre-Summit, held at the headquarters of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) in Paris.
Qatar’s delegation was headed by HE the Minister of Education and Higher Education and Chairman of the Qatar National Committee for Education, Culture and Science Buthaina bint Ali al-Jabr al-Nuaimi.
In her speech at the summit, HE al-Nuaimi noted the importance that Qatar attaches to education in its permanent constitution and Qatar National Vision 2030, as one of the most important pillars of social progress.

She reviewed the most important results of the national consultations that were held in Qatar on June 16-17, regarding recommendations according to priorities that will help re-imagine education in the country, which can be crystallised into five priority axes, the first being the need for the effective application of a student-oriented learning experience that meets their needs, well-being, interests, abilities and aspirations, and full integration of persons with disabilities as well as those who face learning difficulties.
The minister added that the second axis is to make the most of technology, including artificial intelligence, which has witnessed an increasing acceleration, as digital learning is at the top of the priorities and interests of Qatar more than ever, especially in the wake of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
HE al-Nuaimi indicated that the third axis is concerned with attracting, motivating and developing teachers professionally, in light of the widespread of new technologies nationally and globally.
Thus, teachers will play a major factor in the successful transformation of educational systems, she added.
HE al-Nuaimi said that the fourth axis is to enable learners to contribute to their long-term well-being and that of their society, especially in light of the state's orientation towards building a knowledge-based economy and maintaining economic and environmental sustainability, which will require basing scientific research on the environment, sustainability and climate change.
She stressed that these requirements and priorities must reflect on educational curricula, as well as research funding in higher education institutions.
The fifth axis deals with education financing, where she underscored the importance that Qatar attaches to this field all over the world, and its keenness to provide quality and inclusive education for all everywhere, as a top priority of its policy in the field of development aid in areas of conflict and crisis.
HE al-Nuaimi explained that Qatar has provided support over the past decade, through the Qatar Fund for Development, to educational projects worth $1bn around the world, benefiting more than 70 countries.
She concluded her speech by emphasising that education is the road map to the future, and the Education Transformation Summit can help determine the best routes on this map.
The transformation will require a lot of effort; however, Qatar is fully committed to these crucial tasks, she underlined.
The preparatory summit brought together about 140 ministers of education from the world over.
The ministers shared their countries' national consultation experiences.
Additionally, the initial content of the Education Transformation Summit to be held next September in New York was presented, with it having five main focus areas of transformation: schools and education, quality of life, educators, online connectivity, and education financing.
On the sidelines of the preparatory summit, HE al-Nuaimi met the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to the Summit Dr Leonardo Garnier, and discussed with him the summit's desired outcomes, in addition to the follow-up mechanisms post-summit.
The two officials also discussed development-oriented working procedures that would contribute to the transformation of education.
HE al-Nuaimi also met Director of the Education and Adolescent Development Program Group at the UN Children's Fund (Unicef) Dr Robert Jenkins, where they reviewed topics of common interest in education.
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