
Perfect score for BPS in CBSE X

Perfect score for BPS in CBSE X

July 23, 2022 | 06:08 PM
Left to Right: Row 1: Nihal Ashik, Mahika Rao, Ardra Sunil. Row 2: Farah Nazeer Shees, Aarish Arvind, Nidhi Lekshmi Roy
Birla Public School (BPS) has scored 100% pass in the Class X results announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education, India, Friday.
The fifteenth batch consisted of 511 students. Nihal Ashik Mathilakathveetil (99%) was the topper, followed by Mahika Rao (98.80%) and Ardra Sunil, Farah Nazeer Shees, Aarish Arvind and Nidhi Lekshmi Roy (98.60%).The school secured a total of 37 centum, 229 students scored more than 90% marks and 470 scored marks above 75%, including 57 who scored A1 grade in five subjects.
July 23, 2022 | 06:08 PM