The death toll from severe flooding in Kentucky hit 16 yesterday and is expected to double, the US state’s governor said, after torrential rains caused flash floods that swept away some homes while people slept.
“Tough news is 16 confirmed fatalities now, and folks that’s going to get a lot higher,” Governor Andy Beshear said at a media briefing.
“It is devastating,” Beshear told CNN earlier in the day, saying he expected the toll to “more than double”.
“Some people’s houses were completely swept away in the middle of the night while they were sleeping,” the governor said.
Hundreds of people had been rescued by boat and there had been about 50 aerial rescues using National Guard helicopters, he said.
With many roads washed out “we still can’t get to a lot of people”, the governor said. “The current is so strong it’s not safe for some of those water rescues that we need to do.”
Eastern Kentucky has had flash flooding previously “but we’ve never seen something like this”, Beshear said. “Folks who deal with this for a living, who have been doing it for 20 years, have never seen water this high.”
“This situation is ongoing. We are still in the search-and-rescue mode,” he added. “It’s going to be a tough couple of days. It’s going to be a long rebuild. We are tough enough. We’re going to make it.”
Some areas of the state’s Appalachia region reported receiving more than 8” (20cm) of rain in a 24-hour period.
The water level of the North Fork of the Kentucky River at Whitesburg rose to a staggering 20’ within hours, well above its previous record of 14.7’.
Many roads resembled rivers, cars littered the landscape and floodwaters lapped against the rooftops of houses.
Kayla Brown, 29, and Joe Salley Jr, 56, residents of Perry County, told the Lexington Herald-Leader that the fast-rising flood waters trapped them in their mobile home.
“It was like a wave coming at you out of the ocean,” Salley said.
Neighbours came to their rescue after their trailer was knocked off its foundations.
Four young children ranging in age from one and a half to eight years old were swept away from their parents in hard-hit Knott County, the Herald-Leader reported.
Brittany Trejo, the siblings’ cousin, told the newspaper the bodies of two of the children had been found, but the other two were still missing.
Their parents were rescued after clinging to a tree for eight hours, Trejo told the Herald-Leader.
“They managed to get to a tree and ... held the children a few hours before a big tide came and washed them all away,” Trejo said.
In Garrett, Kentucky, a coal-mining town about 125 miles (201km) east of Lexington, brown floodwaters swirled through a commercial street and backed up against storefronts, video clips showed.
Rescue boats carried people wearing life jackets along the submerged street, past the tops of vehicles poking through the high water.
“Everything is gone,” Garrett resident Rachel Patton told WCHS-TV as she cried. “We had to swim out and it was cold. It was over my head. It was scary.”
Authorities went door-to-door on Thursday in a low-lying area in Jackson, Kentucky, a town of 2,200 people, ordering them to evacuate after inspectors noticed a discharge from the nearby Panbowl Lake Dam.
The eastern Kentucky flooding is the latest in a series of extreme weather events that scientists say are an unmistakable sign of climate change.
Nearly 60 people were killed in western Kentucky by a tornado in December 2021.
The National Weather Service warned that more rain was expected.
President Joe Biden issued a disaster declaration for Kentucky, allowing federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts.
Deanne Criswell, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), arrived in Kentucky yesterday to tour flood-hit areas and report back to the president.
On Thursday, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice declared a state of emergency for six counties in his state, where heavy rains caused flooding that disrupted drinking water systems and blocked roads.
In the US West, heavy rains battered Las Vegas, where floodwater washed over streets and rushed onto several casino floors and into parking garages along the famed Las Vegas Strip, video posted on local media and social media showed.
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