
Qatari forum hosts Indian author

Qatari forum hosts Indian author

August 18, 2022 | 11:22 PM
Abdul Hakim said that hosting the event builds cultural bridges between the Indian and Arab communities through translation, especially within the framework of the events and projects of the Qatar-India Year of Culture 2019.
The Qatari Forum for Authors hosted the Indian writer and translator, Suhail Abdul Hakim, to discuss the 'Echoes of Silence Anthology From the Poems of the Indian Poet Viran Kuti', issued by the Publications and Translation Department of the Ministry of culture, within a new session of the sessions Writer and Book, run by Director of Programs, and broadcast at the forum Saleh Gharib al-ObaidliAbdul Hakim said that hosting the event builds cultural bridges between the Indian and Arab communities through translation, especially within the framework of the events and projects of the Qatar-India Year of Culture 2019. He explained the reasons why he chose the poems of Kuti to translate them from Malayalam to Arabic, describing Kuti as a unique poet. He added that Malayalam is a local language spoken only by the people of Kerala, but it has a rich literary history, and that the 'Echoes of Silence Diwan' includes among its books one hundred short pieces of poetry that touch the conscience.In 2018 Viran Kuti was awarded the Academy of Literature award, the most prestigious literary award in Kerala, for his poetry collections, some of which were placed in the curriculums of a number of universities in India and its preparatory and middle schools, and they were translated into international languages such as English and German, in addition to many Indian languages.
August 18, 2022 | 11:22 PM