Qatar Tamil Toastmasters club held its 175th meeting recently.
President Shoba Raj spoke about the deep-rooted and ancient culture of the Tamil language. Vice president (education) Ramani anchored the event under the theme of Tamil Manam. Keynote speech by Nizar highlighted the significance of Tamil and speaking skills. Satheeswaran, Abdul Halir and Vasanthi were the other speakers. The Table Topics session was conducted by Vijay Anand. Past presidents Ramakrishnan, Nirmala and Thirumurugan shared their past experiences in the club.
Speeches were evaluated by speakers including Manimaran. Division director Shivakumar Raju and past district leader Suryanarayan congratulated and wished all success for the future progress of the club. General evaluator Venkatesan lauded the club for conducting an impressive meeting and appreciated the speakers and role players Regina, Sasikumar, Sureshkumar, Santhini and Kumaran. The event was graced by veteran speakers including Sheik Kadhar and Sindhu. In the felicitation ceremony, certificates and awards were presented to the winners and milestone achievers. Abdul Halir was awarded as the best speaker of the event.
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