Approximately 394 contestants, both citizens and residents (male and female), participated in the first day examinations conducted at the children's branch of the 27th session of the Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed bin Thani Holy Qur'an Competition for the year 1444 AH — 2022, which began on Saturday.
The contestants had to memorise one chapter from the last five chapters of the Holy Qu'ran.
Member of the contest's organising committee, Jassim Abdullah al-Ali, said roughly 18 committees are supervising the examinations for the male contestants at the Imam Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab Mosque, while 11 supervising committees are conducting the examinations for the female contestants at the headquarters of the women's Qu'ran memorisation department in Al Waab area.
The examination at the children's branch will continue until Thursday, while examinations for the categories branch will commence tomorrow and continue until Sunday.
Financial awards will be given to winners in different categories.
Financial awards will also be distributed to contestants for beautiful recitation voices for the categories branch, including financial awards for those who excel in each of the five categories, namely: (5), (10), (15), (20), and (25) chapters of the Holy Qur'an. (QNA)
The contestants had to memorise one chapter from the last five chapters of the Holy Qu'ran.
Member of the contest's organising committee, Jassim Abdullah al-Ali, said roughly 18 committees are supervising the examinations for the male contestants at the Imam Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab Mosque, while 11 supervising committees are conducting the examinations for the female contestants at the headquarters of the women's Qu'ran memorisation department in Al Waab area.
The examination at the children's branch will continue until Thursday, while examinations for the categories branch will commence tomorrow and continue until Sunday.
Financial awards will be given to winners in different categories.
Financial awards will also be distributed to contestants for beautiful recitation voices for the categories branch, including financial awards for those who excel in each of the five categories, namely: (5), (10), (15), (20), and (25) chapters of the Holy Qur'an. (QNA)