
QF introduces chatbot 'BOTaina' on website

QF introduces chatbot 'BOTaina' on website

September 23, 2022 | 08:21 PM
Qatar Foundation ( QF) has introduced a chatbot named ‘BOTaina’ on its website to enable visitors explore more about the organisation. With a helpful, knowledgeable, friendly, and fun attitude, and her own unique character, Artifical Intelligence (AI) powered BOTaina provides answers in Arabic and English.
BOTaina answers questions within a matter of seconds, points visitors toward the information they want to know and helps them discover how being part of the QF community can benefit them, it is explained in article on the website.A chatbot or chatterbot is a software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, in lieu of providing direct contact with a live human agent. A chatbot is a type of software that can help customers by automating conversations and interact with them through messaging platforms.Created using AI, BOTaina has been given the humanised persona and appearance of a Qatari girl in her 20s to support the way people interact with her, with her avatar being designed by Aisha al-Fadhala, an alumna of QF partner, Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar. The aim is for her to ultimately be a virtual assistant who appears on other QF communication platforms.“Qatar Foundation has innovation at its core, and by welcoming BOTaina to her new home on our most popular digital channel, we’re harnessing innovation to inform and engage our audiences and showcase our unique ecosystem to Qatar, the region, and the world in a new way,” said, Ali Sikandar, manager of Digital Media, QF.“We constantly look to evolve our communication platforms to meet people’s needs, and bringing BOTaina to digital life reflects this. She gives visitors to our website a personalised, humanised user experience that feels like a conversation, providing them with immediate responses to their questions, and encouraging them to visit our Education City home by promoting the events, initiatives, tours, and opportunities available there.“Thanks to the great work of one of our talented QF students, BOTaina has been given an appearance, and QF’s digital team has developed a character and personality for her that we hope will chime with people who come to her for help. She is already proving to be a popular addition to the QF family, and as she grows into her role, she will become even more helpful to everyone who wants to know about QF and what it can offer them.”Through the use of multiple forms of AI-cognitive technology, BOTaina has an inbuilt understanding of natural, conversational language, allowing her to easily interpret what a QF website visitor is looking to find. Her dedication to her role is such that, if she cannot quickly find the answer, she will search the website until she does.BOTaina can be accessed as soon as the QF website is opened.
September 23, 2022 | 08:21 PM