
Qatar says advancement of women priority of its policy

Qatar says advancement of women priority of its policy

October 07, 2022 | 10:56 PM
Third Secretary of Qatar's Permanent Mission to the UN Sheikha Al Maha bint Mubarak al-Thani delivers the statement.
Qatar has affirmed that advancement of women is a priority of its policy, based on its firm belief in the importance of promoting human rights, enhancing her equal participation in the country's sustainable development efforts, in line with Qatar National Vision 2030. This came in a statement delivered by Third Secretary of Qatar's Permanent Mission to the UN Sheikha Al Maha bint Mubarak al-Thani, before the General Debate of the Third Committee of the 77th Session of the General Assembly on the item Advancement of Women.Sheikha Al Maha also affirmed Qatar's keenness to pursue policies aimed at equal opportunities for women in education, employment and care, noting that this is what made Qatar topping the region in indicators of gender equality, including the highest rate of women's participation in the labour force, equality in wages in the government sector, and the highest rate of female enrollment in universities.She said that the legislation and policies aimed at achieving a balance between work and family responsibilities, adopted by Qatar, have greatly contributed to empowering Qatari women and enhancing their participation in the workforce, whether in the public or private sectors.She expressed the pride of Qatari women, who have competed with men in the highest administrative positions, in addition to being an effective partner in the development process of the country, through her holding of several ministerial and high positions in various fields, and her participation as a candidate and voter in the municipal elections and the Shura Council elections, which made her an effective partner in decision-making processes at the highest levels.Sheikha Al Maha reiterated Qatar's keenness to take the rights of women and girls into consideration in peace processes, due to its position as an active country in the field of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes. She noted that Qatar, during its hosting of the Global Conference on Youth-Inclusive Peace Processes, which was held virtually in January 2022, was keen to actively involve young women in the conference, which produced several important outputs that would enhance the implementation of international agendas related to youth, peace and security, and women, peace and security.Sheikha Al Maha pointed out that Women in Conflict Zones initiative (WICZ), launched by Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) in co-operation with UN Development Programme (UNDP) focuses on responding to the needs of women and girls during crises and enabling them to bring about positive change in their societies, in addition, the initiative included a series of humanitarian and development projects, such as the scholarship programme that was offered to members of the Afghan women's robotics team to continue their education in Education City in Qatar.She indicated that the "Educate a Child" programme is also a partner in the initiative, through which nearly 5mn girls who have dropped out of school have been enrolled in quality primary education programmes. She said that the initiative also includes providing primary and advanced healthcare services for mothers and children in Yemen, Syria and the Gaza Strip.
October 07, 2022 | 10:56 PM