
Wellness camp for Birla teachers

Wellness camp for Birla teachers

October 14, 2022 | 08:07 PM
An exclusive wellness camp was recently organised for teachers of Birla Public School by the HR department and the Indian Community Benevolent Forum (ICBF) in association with the Indian Doctors Club (IDC), United Nurses India Qatar (UNIQ), Federation of Indian Nurses Qatar (FNIQ) and Qatar Diabetes Association (QDA) at the school auditorium.
An exclusive wellness camp was recently organised for teachers of Birla Public School by the HR department and the Indian Community Benevolent Forum (ICBF) in association with the Indian Doctors Club (IDC), United Nurses India Qatar (UNIQ), Federation of Indian Nurses Qatar (FNIQ) and Qatar Diabetes Association (QDA) at the school auditorium.
School chairman Gope Shahani, academic-director principal Harish Sanduja, other officials, ICBF acting president Vinod Nair, medical camps and medical assistance head Rajani Murthy and QDA's diabetes educator Dr Fahd Abdullah graced the occasion.The session began with Parveen Nather, nurse educator at Women's Wellness and Research Center (WWRC) speaking on breast cancer, risk factors, diagnosis, screening, and treatments. Dr Mary Swapna Metreenj, general practitioner (Wellkins Medical Centre) conducted a session on lifestyle diseases.Shirley Johnson, director of Nursing and Midwifery Education at WWRC, spoke on cervical cancer, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and dietary management. Dr Navitha Aziz Ahmed, specialist-obstetrics and gynaecology, gave a session on perimenopause and menopause stage.
October 14, 2022 | 08:07 PM