
NHRC chairperson says UN can count on GANHRI

NHRC chairperson says UN can count on GANHRI

October 17, 2022 | 12:20 AM
HE Maryam bint Abdullah al-Attiyah, who is also the president of GANHRI, with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York.
HE the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) Chairperson, Maryam bint Abdullah al-Attiyah, who is also the President of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), has met with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York.During the meeting, al-Attiyah stressed that the UN can fully count on GANHRI and on national institutions in all regions, to speak with one voice about human rights in these critical times, given the diversity yet also the unity of the alliance's members.She noted that NHRIs rely on the strength of the UN -- the custodian of the international system for the protection of human rights -- as well as on the support of strong UN partners, in this challenging role.Al-Attiyah added that NHRIs recently demonstrated at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, how the worldwide members' collective call can have a direct and positive impact on states' stances globally.She commended the UN Secretary-General's leadership of human rights and human rights institutions during difficult times, and she also thanked the UN's support for strong and independent NHRIs, in full compliance with the Paris Principles everywhere.She stressed that GANHRI is working hard to address some of the urgent challenges currently, noting the launch of the Global Action Plan on Human Rights Defenders and civil space, this year, prepared by GANHRI to support its members around the world and added that the Global Alliance is working on building the capacity of its members to address the impacts of climate change on human rights, and to enhance its standing at the global level.The NHRC chairperson added that the alliance is also working on strengthening its role in conveying the voice of human rights to the UN, not only in the Human Rights Council but across the system and its bodies, which is of particular importance with regard to prevention and early warning.Al-Attiyah noted that the Global Alliance continues to work with the UN, its partners, together with civil society to strengthen national human rights committees around the world, in line with the Paris Principles and as an indicator within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Goal 16). This is to ensure that NHRIs alliance members are well-equipped and have the mandate, powers, resources and institutional capacities to address today's many challenges, noting that the United Nations system, led by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), has played a leading and essential role in supporting the mandate of GANHRI through the tripartite partnership, to help build, strengthen and protect NHRIs everywhere to be independent and effective.She added that they are looking forward to continuing working together to protect the many NHRI alliance members that are exposed to dangers in many parts of the world.She said that the Global Alliance gave in these cases a strong and wide-range response by the UN, starting with the UN Qatari mission all the way to UN agencies and UN headquarters.This is to explore opportunities to enhance the co-ordinated response across the UN system, including the response of UN states' teams when such situations occur.Al-Attiyah called on the UN Secretary-General to consider developing a UN strategy for NHRIs in partnership with GANHRI and to promote a general vision that supports strong and independent NHRIs worldwide, in line with the Paris Principles, and as a way to achieve progress towards sustainable development, the prevention of abuses, and the insurance of building peaceful societies.###Her Excellency noted that promoting this strategy may include organising a high-level event in December 2023 to celebrate the adoption of the Paris Principles by the General Assembly 30 years ago.In the same context, al-Attiyah met with the Permanent Representative of Germany to the UN Ambassador Antje Leendertse.During the meeting, al-Attiyah commended Germany's leading role in providing unwavering support to the UN, the human rights system, human rights defenders and NHRIs worldwide.Additionally, the NHRC chairperson also commended Germany's role in protecting human rights workers in Afghanistan.She added that they will continue to work with states, partners and civil society, to strengthen NHRIs globally, and they will develop an indicator under the 2030 Agenda on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 16); and to ensure that NHRIs are equipped with the powers, resources and institutional competencies to face many of the current challenges, and explained that important work at the local level is of particular importance in protecting against human rights-related infringements.The NHRC chairperson expressed her desire to receive the opinion of the German ambassador on how to continue building positive experiences, strengthening the presence of the global alliance, and raising the voice of human rights in the ongoing work of the UN in New York, in particular the work of the Security Council, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as well as the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). (QNA)
October 17, 2022 | 12:20 AM