
Walking football

Walking football

October 20, 2022 | 10:13 PM
The best player medals went to the Kenyan and Djibouti envoys.
Ambassadors Mahadhi Juma Maalim (Tanzania), Oscar Leon Gonzalez (Cuba), Dayib Doubad Robleh (Djibouti), Milton Alcides Magana (El Salvador), Boniface Mwilu (Kenya), Mohamed Bahrin (Brunei) and Dr Habibou Diallo (Senegal) recently came together for a walking football match. They joined Guinea's former ambassador Lansine Ani Toure and Walking Football Federation, Asia & Qatar president Farhan al-Sheikh al-Sayed and general secretary Farouk Abdullahi Wase. The best player medals went to the Kenyan and Djibouti envoys. Walking football is a non-contact sport played at walking pace, with players not allowed to run. This includes with the ball or off the ball, and includes jogging. Walking as described in the rules is “one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times.” Al-Sayed is working on uniting all the communities under the umbrella of Walking Football, which focuses on age categories 40 and above.
October 20, 2022 | 10:13 PM