
Arab Summit slams defamation campaign against Qatar

Arab Summit slams defamation campaign against Qatar

November 02, 2022 | 11:46 PM
* Algeria Declaration expresses full confidence in Qatar's ability to host exceptional World Arab countries have unanimously slammed the "defamation campaign" against Qatar ahead of the football World Cup and affirmed their full support for Qatar and total confidence in its ability to organise an excellent edition of the global event.The Algeria Declaration, issued by the 31st session of the Council of the League of Arab States at the summit level, held on November 1 and 2 in Algiers, stressed its absolute rejection of the malicious smear campaigns against Qatar.

Algerian president fully supports Qatar

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune affirmed full support for Qatar as it prepares to host the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, praising its efforts to give an honourable image worthy of the Arab world and its established culture. In his speech at the Arab summit yesterday, President Tebboune added that Algeria renews full confidence in the ability of Qatar to organize a distinguished edition of this grand event, stressing the complete rejection of all biased smear and questioning campaigns against it.

With regard to the Palestinian issue, the centrality of the Palestinian cause and absolute support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to freedom, self-determination, and the embodiment of an independent state of Palestine with full sovereignty on the June 4, 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and the right of return and compensation for Palestinian refugees in accordance with United Nations General Assembly the resolution No. 194 of 1948.The declaration demanded the lifting of the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip and the condemnation of the use of force by the occupying power against the Palestinians, praising the Arab efforts to unify the Palestinian ranks and welcoming the Palestinian brothers' signature on the "Algeria Declaration" emanating from the "Unification Conference for Achieving Palestinian National Unity." The declaration called for the necessity of strengthening joint Arab action to protect Arab national security in its comprehensive concept and in all its political, economic, food, energy, water and environmental dimensions, contributing to solving and ending crises experienced by some Arab countries, rejecting foreign interference in all its forms in the internal affairs of Arab countries and adhering to the principle of Arab solutions to problems. The declaration expressed full solidarity with the Libyan people and support for efforts aimed at ending the Libyan crisis through a Libyan-Libyan solution, as well as emphasizing support for the legitimate Yemeni government and the need to reach a political solution to the Yemeni crisis.As for the Syrian crisis, the declaration called on the Arab countries to play a collective leadership role to contribute to efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis and address all its political, security, humanitarian and economic consequences. In Iraq, the declaration welcomed the revitalisation of constitutional life in Iraq, including the formation of the government, praising its efforts aimed at achieving stability and economic development and embodying the hopes and aspirations of the Iraqi people.Solidarity with Lebanon was renewed to preserve its security and stability and to support the steps it took to extend its sovereignty over its land and sea , in addition to renewing support for Somalia in order to consolidate the pillars of security and stability through the contribution of Arab countries to strengthening the Somali national capabilities in the field of combating terrorism and enabling it to respond to the challenges it faces at the current stage, especially as a result of the severe drought crisis.The declaration also stressed the need to establish a zone free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East in accordance with the agreed terms of reference, and called on all concerned parties to join and implement the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which remains the cornerstone of the international system to prevent the spread of these weapons.With regard to strengthening and modernising joint Arab action, the declaration drew a commitment to move forward in the path of strengthening and modernising joint Arab action and raising it to the level of the aspirations of the Arab peoples. The communique called for efforts to embody the Arab economic integration project according to a comprehensive vision, emphasizing the importance of concerted efforts to enhance collective Arab capabilities in responding to the challenges posed to food, health and energy security and facing climate change.As for the international situation, the declaration stressed that the escalating tensions on the international scene shed more light than ever on the structural imbalances in global governance mechanisms and the urgent need to address them within an approach that ensures parity and equality among all countries and puts an end to the marginalisation of developing countries, stressing the need for participation of Arab countries in shaping the parameters of the new international system for the world after the Corona epidemic and the war in Ukraine. Also, commitment to the principles of non-alignment and to the common Arab position on the war in Ukraine, which is based on renouncing the use of force and striving to activate the option of peace through the actual involvement of the Arab Ministerial Contact Group in international efforts aimed at crystallising a political solution to the crisis in line with the principles of the United Nations Charter.The declaration commended the balanced policy pursued by the "OPEC +" alliance in order to ensure the stability of global energy markets and the sustainability of investments in this sensitive sector.The declaration welcomed the benign moves and initiatives undertaken by many Arab countries in order to curb the spread of Islamophobia, ease tensions and promote the values of tolerance and respect for the other. And in its conclusion, the declaration supported Egypt, which is preparing to host the 27th session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and Qatar, which is preparing to host the World Cup, with full confidence in its ability to organize a distinguished version of this global event, and reject smear campaigns against it.This is in addition to supporting the Kingdom of Morocco to host the Ninth Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, on November 22-23, 2022 in Fez, and to endorse the candidacy of Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to host Expo 2030.

November 02, 2022 | 11:46 PM