Qatar has underlined that journalists should never be a target for violence and killing, and stressed upon the importance of being able of carry out their duties freely and without being exposed to fear of harassment, intimidation, reprisals, injury or death. In addition, Qatar strongly condemned the killing of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli forces, an act which is considered a flagrant violation against the laws and the relevant international conventions , while she was performing her duty and wearing a flak jacket clearly marked with the word "PRESS".
This came in the statement of Qatar, delivered on Thursday by HE the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations in Geneva Dr Hind bint Abdulrahman al-Muftah during a panel discussion on 'Honouring the legacy of Shireen Abu Akleh: Protecting journalists covering the conflict', within the two-day seminar of the UN International Media on Peace in Middle East, organised by the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG).
HE al-Muftah pointed out that more than five months since the killing of Akleh, no international investigation has been conducted to uncover the truth, which is an additional failure in achieving the justice for the journalists. She emphasised the importance of holding those responsible for Akleh’s killing accountable, and warned that the deceleration and lack of seriousness in ensuring an independent and transparent international investigation will have an adverse impact on the protection of journalists, not only in Palestine, but worldwide.
HE al-Muftah welcomed the submission of the official legal complaint file on Akleh’s killing to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and expressed the hope that the complaint would be seriously considered and promptly handled, and that Israel, which is accused of targeting the journalists by its policies, be held accountable, as are those responsible for these violations and crimes.
She expressed Qatar's full support to Palestine’s initiative in the Arab League on making May 11 a global day for solidarity with Palestinian media, which marks the commemoration of Akleh’s killing.
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