Under the patronage of Dr Salem Al-Naemi, president of University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST), the College of Engineering Technology organised a robotics competition for its students across all disciplines.
There are multiple educational aspects of this robotics competition and the learning outcomes go far beyond the competition itself. The contest teaches the participating students to think in a critical and creative manner and promotes the spirit of initiative. During the competition, students had to build a robot that can travel a specific tortuous path with two stages of control; autonomous control and mobile Bluetooth control.
The competition saw the participation of 60 students grouped into 20 teams. They produced their models as per the requirements and eight teams qualified for the final round. The performance criteria were based on the accuracy of travel, speed, and overall look as well as the robustness of these robots. Cash prizes were distributed to the first three winning teams.
Dr Al-Naemi said: “As an applied university we aim to immerse our students in hands-on experiences that will build their skills and expand their knowledge. The competition we have witnessed today is one of many examples of how we aim to go beyond a typical classroom experience.”
Students involved in the competition were able to advance their ability to work across disciplines and learned how to apply their knowledge in an interactive setting. The contest helped them learn management and planning skills which are two valuable aspects of professional work.
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